on leave

I have been on leave which has provided a good amount of extra playtime. I have given up with app_jack – i believe it would probably provide the best way of accessing the telephone transmitter and receiver but i just cannot figure it – it may be one for future development. The tts_callback modifications that give the cue points to asterisk appear to work well and can be used to

trigering a ring

Followed a blind alley thought the problem with triggering a ring was a context issue in the dialplan with the sip and context both having the same name “PRIMO” – changed the context to K6_PRIMO – no difference. Then i thought i had solved this when i discovered that for some reason the telephone i was using would not ring when connected to one of the two ATA’s – strangely

PD externals paths

still struggling to get this to be logical. the two different versions for linux 46 and 50 have different paths to externals – some externals seem to require a path as part of the object others don’t – it may be that the two different versions are sharing a config file and that is confusing things – anyway the attached patch is work again now on the linux machine and

Lockdown recap

Had to recap on work done in February – wasted time figuring out that the pathwriter player wouldn’t work on Linux because i didn’t have the libraries installed in the right place – this will need sorting out – more follish was a hour spent looking for a solution because forgot that a double click was required to trigger the glist not just a single click. A managed to get