Uncovered some errors made with my python script all related to not closing files. Here is the revised code
import os
path = "/home/chris/Dropbox/K6_primo/ssml/"
def fcount(path):
""" Counts the number of files in a directory """
count = 0
for f in os.listdir(path):
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path, f)):
count += 1
return (count-2)+101
count_files = (fcount(path))
print count_files
ninetynine = open("/home/chris/Dropbox/K6_primo/ssml/99.xml", "w")
ninetynine.write("There are %d in the ssml folder" %count_files)
poemnumber = open("/home/chris/Dropbox/K6_primo/poemnumber.txt", "w")
poemnumber.write('heloo world %d' %count_files)
number_as_string = str(count_files)
print("ssml files %d" %count_files)
developed a simple way of random playing of trigger files from the PIR – not yet complete.