Tidying the monitor mixer

Update on the information below It may be best to delete the monitoring stage all together as monitoring is possible via headphones using the UMC 40 interface. The complete stream is also sent via the UMC 4040 to my Mackie Audio interface the routing using Jack, the UMD 404 and the hardware monitor mixer is also an awful mess. To cut a long story short to hear a realistic mix

Tidying – PD

I have spent some time tidying PD – this has involved removing the number of different notein objects and consolidating then into just one with a select object to filter for the appropriate midi note numbers. the relatively random allocation of midi note numbers to trigger different functions – (eg midi not number 9 will play the kiosk audio using qlist) had be flummoxed for a while but it seems

Toward Resurrection

I am working on the Easter broadcast. I have a proposed strategy for the production of the audio files to produce the musical equivalent of the range of voices already being exploited in the installation live or recorded singing by me – very rare or never Live or recorded singing by me processed by the TC Helicon vocal processor – i like the cheesy results recorded musical extracts – already

installing everything afresh

update May 24 did not go too well abandoned upgrade to ubu 24 after disk failure went back to ubu 20 with Asterisk 18 followed the instructions contained in this document (for the most part) with these more up to date ones https://reintech.io/blog/setting-up-asterisk-voip-server-ubuntu-22 seemed to hit problems related to user groups and settings The edits below -cause problems – so i have revised them in the instructions sudo gedit /etc/default/asterisk

Voice to score

To send from Onyx to Yamaha Voice to Score on old Dell Note Dell very temperamental – unplug from mains and reconnect if desktop does not appear Set audio out on computer to Onyx Connect Behringer mixer in to Alt 3-4 on Onyx Set channel 15-16 to Alt 3-4 (mute button) Ensure that firewire 1-2 is set as the input to channel 15-16 Behringer mixer main out goes to Yamaha

Broadcasting live from the ‘Telephone box that talks a bit like me’ on Halloween Night at 8 pm

Copied from https://www.gravityisahat.comThere is so much I could say about it, apologies and pathetic justifications to alleviate the pressure to show something good, worthy, arty, entertaining… but instead i will say nothing …………………. except its only 20 minutes long: http://giss.tv:8000/gravityisahat.mp3and then recordings and videoshttp://k6.gravityisahat.co.uk/live-feeds/

it’s October

Since my holiday on August I have been having a painful time creating content rather than resolving technical problems or contributing to this blog. My 10 day holiday was modestly productive and I produced a script that has moved completely away from what I planned a few months ago. This process should have been fun but was actually very arduous with only about twenty minutes worth of words produced and

I’m back – and inspiration

i have some holiday from the university so i am back on the project. i still need to resolve a few things from the list on my last post but i am broadly satisfied with the technical setup. i did a test broadcast of lisa’s new album from the box , well actually as if from the box, and the icecast system for web radio worked pretty well. i have