Malcom McClaren and other melodramas from pop

McClaren did a song based on Madame Butterfly – it has a melodrama treatment – also Diana Ross – Ain’t no mountain high enough has a melodrama section. Be more overt with the notion of a test facility open in the summer accessible by opening the door. Build a sign to put inside the box that invites people to test the facility. As part of the test invite the user

Short story writing

Well how interesting your response is. It really makes me think. Thanks! I think you might be trying too hard to decode significant meaning in what are absurd narratives. I agree there is some autobiographical content but it’s not important. What is important is a sense of the absurd. Both protagonists live in worlds where conventional wisdom has no place. In TIN, to be constrained to speaking only one word

The Jack patchbay and connection window

This is a source of some confusion especially when combined with Pd’s multiple virtual ports. The best way of approaching this is to use the patchbay as a trigger for the connection window to update. set up the patchbay correctly activate it and the connection window will update. The patchbay does not connect and disconnect devices and channels it triggers the connection window to do so. In the Primo Pd

Midi set up for Ardour

Updated schematic and notes Ardour set up on Mac 4 (Flashing single amber on Midi interface seems to mean it’s not going to work) Core audio set up should show core midi Blue means active – here USB port 1 is taking an input This is critical to send midi out to the interface – it is accessed by clicking on the synth name in the mixer and selecting outputs

Tidying the monitor mixer

Update on the information below It may be best to delete the monitoring stage all together as monitoring is possible via headphones using the UMC 40 interface. The complete stream is also sent via the UMC 4040 to my Mackie Audio interface the routing using Jack, the UMD 404 and the hardware monitor mixer is also an awful mess. To cut a long story short to hear a realistic mix

Tidying – PD

I have spent some time tidying PD – this has involved removing the number of different notein objects and consolidating then into just one with a select object to filter for the appropriate midi note numbers. the relatively random allocation of midi note numbers to trigger different functions – (eg midi not number 9 will play the kiosk audio using qlist) had be flummoxed for a while but it seems