Pd generating a file path
managed to botch together something that works in 3hrs at 4 am – here its is.
managed to botch together something that works in 3hrs at 4 am – here its is.
i have made progress in connecting the cue.txt file generated by tts_callback to PD
need to resolve resetting the qlist in Pd – it seems to cache the previous iteration
added the following to the TTS_callback file
The instructions in the ssml file are read by TTS_callback. The markers in the ssml file are read by the supplementary code i have added to tts_callback and a cue.txt file is output to the cues folder. The cue.txt file contains a time in msecs, a file name (+trigger ‘extension number’ ‘io number’). The io numbers are 1 = receiver, 2 = kiosk, 3 = external, 4 = record from