Midi set up for Ardour

Updated schematic and notes Ardour set up on Mac 4 (Flashing single amber on Midi interface seems to mean it’s not going to work) Core audio set up should show core midi Blue means active – here USB port 1 is taking an input This is critical to send midi out to the interface – it is accessed by clicking on the synth name in the mixer and selecting outputs

Behringer 1810 curiosities, questions and other system issues.

Most significantly monitoring make sure it’s set so that all 8 input channels are monitored then you will hear what’s being sent in. The balance between monitoring what’s coming in and what’s going out from the pc should also be set. Pro tools does not seem to work comfortably with the behringer 1810 in particular it miss identifies the output ports. This may be rectifiable (will explore). Have explored –

Tricky things when connecting up external midi

The subzero box has a mode setting that sets the various through settings best leave it on boot default. If you a want to send keyboard into mu10 use input device record in the DAWand select the KORG. Switching items on and off or unplugging can confuse things. Probably best to turn on subzero first then turn on other devices. Don’t forget you can bypass the xg Editor by pressing

Midi inflecting audio with TC Helicon

The Tc helicon is connected as the penultimate component on the midi chain before the tone generator MU 10 and after the MAUDIO interface and XG editor The MU10 takes an input from the TC helicon midi through Make sure the Tc Helicon midi receive channel (see editing screens on TC helicon below) is the same as the midi output channel from the Ardour midi track. From the midi track

Hardware and Software configuration for recording and editing audio and midi

Mac 5: Editing and Cerevoice capture- Adobe Audition on Mac 5 can be used for digesting all the outputs from the Mackie mixer for final edit. In addition it can receive direct input from the K6 system. It can also be used to capture CerevoiceChris from Word to Audacity. Mac 4: Midi sequencing (exclusive digital connectivity to Mackie) – Mac 4 uses Ardour for midi connectivity to the midi chain