Updated schematic and notes

Ardour set up on Mac 4
(Flashing single amber on Midi interface seems to mean it’s not going to work)

Core audio set up should show core midi

Blue means active – here USB port 1 is taking an input

This is critical to send midi out to the interface – it is accessed by clicking on the synth name in the mixer and selecting outputs – nothing else is selected on any other tab

Input is more straight forward but I don’t understand the flash at the bottom – just select the input port

These two screens are confusing – beware creating a mess by not reading the tabs properly

Turn on
- Midi KB
- Phat
- MAudio
- TC Helicon
- MU10
- On PC start XG Edit or nothing will work correctly including mid routing perhaps because port 1 is routed to both Port 1 and Port 3
In Ardour – setting up midi tracks

- Add Midi track – set instrument to none
- In Midi Connections (or at mixer)
- Sources/Hardware Midi Port 1 -> Destinations/Hardware Midi Port 1 – this will send to TC Helicon
- Sources/Hardware Midi Port 1 -> Destinations/Hardware Midi Port 13– this will send to MAudio
- Sources/Ardour Tracks Midi Port 1 and Port 3 -> Destinations/Hardware Midi Port 1 – this will send to TC Helicon and MAudio
- In editor create midi region
- Expand keyboard range
- Create notes etc on track – this will be designated somehow as channel or part 1
- create duplicate track or new track – this will be designated somehow as channel or part 2
- to play back in seprerate channels set – adjust channel selector